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September 30, 2006
Shame, Shame, Shame
It took almost ten years, but someone in Washington, D.C., namely Representative Mark Foley (R-FL), became a bigger scumbag than Bill Clinton.
Foley, who resigned Friday, was sending sexually explicit emails to a 16 year old boy who worked as a Congressional page. God only knows what else he was doing with the boy.
Foley should be tarred and feathered. Shame on him.
Posted by Rick | September 30, 2006 04:31 AM | Social Studies
September 25, 2006
Clinton Doth Protest Too Much
Bill Clinton's phony rage at Chris Wallace while Wallace was interviewing him this past weekend is the talk of blogs and news casts everywhere.
Unfortunately, Clinton's claim that he was closer to killing Usāmah bin Muhammad bin `Awad bin Lādin, commonly known as Osama bin Laden, than anyone else is bogus. How does he know how close he was when he lobbed a couple missiles at a tent out in the middle of a desert and how does he know how close the troops in Afghanistan have come to getting the little turd, bin Laden? Besides, close does not count in killing.
The fact is that Bill Clinton and his lackey, Attorney General Janet Reno, mustered far more fire power and boots on the ground to send Elian Gonzalez back to Cuba, not to mention the extraordinary force they used to kill 80+ innocent men, women and children in Waco, Texas, than they ever did trying to get bin Laden.
Posted by Rick | September 25, 2006 06:49 PM | Political Science
September 21, 2006
Has The Time Come To Boycott Citgo Gasoline?
Citgo Petroleum Corporation or Citgo, a subsidiary of Petróleos de Venezuela S.A., the Venezuelan state-owned petroleum company, is a United States-incorporated refiner and marketer of gasoline, lubricants, petrochemicals and other petroleum products.
7-11 stores sell Citgo gasoline. Write an email to 7-eleven, Inc., asking them to find another supplier for the gasoline they sell. You can read about the history of the Citgo Corporation here.
Posted by Rick | September 21, 2006 06:24 AM | Political Science